Exploring creative labor and value flow patterns through the lens of onchain minting culture.
If it turns out the work I publish is educational, great. But it’ll be a happy byproduct of open-sourcing my creative process rather than an explicit goal or targeted outcome.
What if more web3 projects took a page from Zora's playbook and developed positive-sum mechanisms that reward creative labor as wealth generation?
Forms of Incubation is a web3-native project to open-source creative processes in the context of scenius (the collective form of genius).
A conversation with myself about the intelligence of the creative process, as mediated by deep-writer-mind.
Will it ever be finished? Your guess is as good as mine.
Can writing in public become fun again... purely for its own sake? Let's find out. Here I shall pay no heed whatsoever to monetization, topic consistency, algorithms, or audience-building.
This post teaches you everything you need to know about getting started with Paragraph.